Xamarin MAUI Consultancy



About Xamarin MAUI Consultancy

Xamarin MAUI development creates mobile applications that share code across platforms. With our focus on the Microsoft Enterprise Platform, .NET MAUI/Xamarin is the Ballard Chalmers tool of choice for building mobile applications that are fully integrated with enterprise systems. This technology offers greatly reduced costs for cross-platform mobile development, together with a high level of C# code sharing between mobile apps and the systems they interface with.

  • Update namespaces
  • Update any incompatible NuGet packages
  • Address any breaking API changes
  • Run the converted app and verify functionality

~ Let’s open the world of IT to you ~

Why do smart instruments manufacturers need custom Mobile Apps?

An increasing number of industrial enterprises across the globe are now expecting their smart instruments vendors to provide solutions for web as well as mobile platforms, across different devices and operating systems. These mobile solutions are needed by operators & engineers in the field, to perform critical operations, like capturing data, testing machines & instruments, and controlling assets from remote locations. Being mission critical, the success of such mobile applications depends a lot on the “invisible” components – such as core backend architecture, hosting infrastructure and integration with other data systems.

~ IT solutions that work ~

Xamarin MAUI consulting for smart instruments & device manufacturers


through a scalable mobile backend architecture (MBaaS) on cloud, giving always-on access to data even without network.

Real-time machine monitoring & contro
Go-live with mobile apps within 10-weeks

with Xamarin as a cross-platform app development framework, using up to 100% shared code across devices & OS.


Easily connect to IoT devices

to acquire data or control the device, via cloud or via device features, like Bluetooth/IR/near field communication.



Quickly scale across iOS & Android platforms

and across different devices like tablets and mobiles – without compatibility issues.

~ Bring your ideas to life ~


.Xamarin offers two ways to develop the UI for a mobile application and now there is the third option of .NET MAUI as well. Given the requirements of a mobile application, Ballard Chalmers can advise on which approach is the most suitable.

~ Ready for the future ~

Why smart instruments & device manufacturers choose BrainyBitz for their Xamarin roadmap

Microsoft partner with 7 gold competencies. Deep Xamarin & Azure experience with 300+ solutions built

40% faster development using our industrial frameworks, technology expertise, and ready-to-use IPs

Successfully delivered solutions across manufacturing, energy, and industrial engineering enterprises

Microsoft partner with 7 gold competencies. Deep Xamarin & Azure experience with 300+ solutions built

40% faster development using our industrial frameworks, technology expertise, and ready-to-use IPs

Successfully deliv-ered solutions across manufacturing, ene-rgy, and industrial engineering.